Dia De La Virgen

Ok, so if your not a Mexican Catholic, your proabably really confused about this day..... so this is how this story goes:

Back in the day, in a Mexican town called Tepeyac, there was an indian whose name was Juan Diego.  The 9th of September there was a big party for the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, so Juan Diego was on his way to town (which was very far) On his way, the Virgin Mary appeared to him and said "Look, Juan Diego, I chose you and I want you to build a church in X spot.   Go to the bishop and tell him."  Juan Diego went to the bishop, the bishop didn't listen to the poor indian.  He tried again, no luck.  Another day, the Virgin appeared again and said "OK, take these roses as a sign to the bishop."  Now in Tepeyac in those times, there were no roses, so when Juan Diego went to the bishop he revealed the roses that he had wrapped in his poncho and when the roses fell to the ground, the Virgin Mary appeared on his white poncho.  The bishop believed and a church was built.
So now every December 12th, people all around Mexico dress up like indians, and yes of course we did too!  Not only did we dress up, but like we said before, my grandparents are both very religious and ever since I was little my grandma has always volunteered me in every religious play, stations of the cross, etc...  This day being such a religious one, there was of scourse many religious events and before we knew it we were rehearsing a dance to be danced at teh 10am mass at the main church at the plaza..  wait, what?  Brendan dancing a rehearsed dance down the aisle of the main church with lots and lots of people watching?  Before our turn to go down the aisle, Bren was making sure he knew his steps and looking at me with the "I can't believe I'm doing this," face.  Bren and I began dancing down the aisle and the whole time we couldn't help but laugh.  Too fun!

This is me and Bren beginning the dance (Do you notice the old lady in front of me?)...

Oh yes, the old lady, jumped out of the isle to dance with Bren. (Competition)

Even my little cousin dressed up!


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