Airport Complications

Our wonderful home in the airpot

Leaving Brazil and off to Peru!  We're in the airport in sau Paulo, Brazil, checking in when they us we need to show an airplane flight ticket back to the U.S., or we will be deported back to the U.S. on the first flight....
1st - We still want to travel for 10 months
2nd - We have no idea where we're gonna be in 10 months to buy our ticket back to the U.S.
We talk to them, and agree that showing a ticket to an onward country will be fine.  We go to the internet cafe upstairs, find a ticket and go to buy it.... Credit Card won't go through, debit card won't go through either... Oh no, we don't want to be deported.  I call my credit card and apparently they thought there was fraud on it because we had been splurging the last couple days... Go that figured out and was able to buy the ticket!  Now we go to pay the internet cafe for the time and the ticket we printed out.  Total comes to 22 R (Brazilian currency)  hhmmm. and we wonly have 12.80 R.  Our debit fcards don't work at the ATM's and after a long time trying to talk oursleves out of it with teh internet cafe, they let us off and we fun back to teh check in are and their GONE!  Apparently all airlines have offices in the airport, so we go to our airline and after numerous phone calls and transfers, the ticket is figured out, but for the following day.  Our 24 hours in the airport weren't too bad; we had restaurants, a booksttore, a tech store, etc...  After dinner, our next mission was to find a place to sleep.  Good thing we had our tent and sleeping bags!  We found a spot, secluded, up the stairs and quiet!  So we set up the tent in the airport, got our sleeping pads, and bags all set up and got all comfi.  We propped teh computer on the inside part of the roof (of the tent) and even had our own flatscreen above our beds!


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